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For owners of older UK properties, figuring out how to get rid of mould and combat damp is a common concern. These timeless structures offer unparalleled character but also pose unique challenges, especially when it comes to moisture management. This blog post is dedicated to providing homeowners with effective strategies on how to get rid of mould and damp, ensuring their historic homes remain both beautiful and healthy living spaces.


Understanding Mould in Older Properties


To get rid of mould effectively, it’s crucial to understand its root causes. Older properties often lack the modern damp-proofing measures found in newer buildings, making them more susceptible to damp and, consequently, mould growth. Factors such as inadequate ventilation, poor insulation, and the natural ageing of building materials can contribute to this problem. Recognizing these issues is the first step in developing a strategy on how to get rid of mould.


The Importance of Exterior Wall Coatings


Applying exterior wall coatings is a proven method in how to get rid of mould in older properties. These coatings provide a protective barrier against moisture ingress while allowing the walls to breathe, preventing the conditions that allow mould to thrive. For homeowners wondering how to get rid of mould, investing in a high-quality, breathable wall coating can be a game-changer.


Key Strategies to Get Rid of Mould

Getting rid of mould in older UK properties requires a strategic approach that addresses both the symptoms and the root causes of mould growth. Here are some key strategies that homeowners can adapt to effectively combat mould:

1. Identify and Eliminate Moisture Sources

The first step in how to get rid of mould is to identify and eliminate any sources of moisture. Mould thrives in damp conditions, so addressing leaks, condensation, and other sources of moisture can significantly reduce mould growth. Inspect your property for signs of water damage, such as staining, peeling paint, or warped materials, and repair any leaks promptly. Ensure that your home has adequate drainage and that gutters and downpipes are clear and functioning correctly.

2. Improve Ventilation

Poor ventilation can lead to stagnant air and increased humidity levels, creating an ideal environment for mould to grow. To get rid of mould, it’s essential to improve airflow throughout your home. This can be achieved by opening windows regularly, using exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms, and installing trickle vents or a whole-house ventilation system. Ensuring that furniture is not blocking radiators or vents can also help improve air circulation.

3. Control Humidity Levels

Controlling the humidity levels inside your home is crucial in how to get rid of mould. Aim to keep indoor humidity levels between 40% and 60%. You can use a dehumidifier in areas prone to dampness, such as basements and bathrooms, to help reduce moisture in the air. Additionally, simple habits like covering pots while cooking, drying clothes outdoors, and avoiding the use of humidifiers can also help maintain optimal humidity levels.

4. Use Mould-Resistant Materials and Paints

When renovating or repairing your property, consider using mould-resistant materials and paints, especially in areas susceptible to moisture. These products contain antimicrobial properties that prevent mould growth, offering an additional layer of protection. For walls and ceilings prone to dampness, mould-resistant plaster and paint can be particularly effective in keeping mould at bay.

5. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance are vital in preventing mould growth. Clean and dry any areas of condensation immediately, and be vigilant about removing any visible mould on surfaces using a mould removal solution. It’s important to wear protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, to avoid inhaling mould spores. Additionally, keeping your home clean and dust-free can reduce the number of mould spores and allergens in the air.

6. Seek Professional Help for Persistent Problems

If you’ve tried these strategies and still struggle with how to get rid of mould, it may be time to seek professional help. Specialists in damp proofing and mould remediation can offer expert advice and services tailored to your property’s specific needs. They can identify hidden moisture sources, recommend structural improvements, and provide professional-grade treatments to get rid of mould effectively and prevent its return.

By implementing these key strategies, homeowners can significantly reduce the presence of mould in their properties, creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment. Remember, tackling mould is not just about cleaning up what’s visible; it’s about creating conditions that deter mould growth in the first place.


Seeking Professional Help to Get Rid of Mould


Sometimes, despite your best efforts to get rid of mould, the challenge persists, necessitating professional intervention. This is particularly true for older UK properties, where the complexity of the structure and the materials used can make it difficult to completely eradicate mould through DIY methods. When it comes to how to get rid of mould effectively and safely, consulting with specialists in damp proofing and mould remediation becomes indispensable.

Professionals in this field bring a wealth of experience and knowledge on how to get rid of mould, employing tailored solutions that address the unique characteristics and needs of your property. They are equipped with the latest techniques and materials designed specifically for mould removal in historic buildings, ensuring not just a temporary fix but a long-term resolution. Engaging experts means you’re not only addressing the visible signs of mould but also tackling the underlying causes, such as dampness and inadequate ventilation, that contribute to its growth.

Moreover, when seeking how to get rid of mould, it’s crucial to consider the health aspects. Professional mould remediation services take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of mould spores during the removal process, safeguarding your health and that of your family. They also provide advice on how to maintain a mould-free environment, offering practical tips on ventilation, humidity control, and regular maintenance to prevent future mould growth.

In your quest on how to get rid of mould, remember that preserving the beauty and integrity of your older property requires a comprehensive approach. All Weather Coating specializes in providing exterior wall coatings and damp proofing services that not only assist in mould removal but also protect your home against future damp and mould problems. Our solutions are designed to enhance your home’s resistance to the UK’s wet climate while maintaining its historic charm.

If you’re struggling with how to get rid of mould in your older property and are looking for effective, long-lasting solutions, contact All Weather Coating today. Our team of experts is ready to help you restore your home to a healthy, mould-free environment. Send us an enquiry or give us a call to discuss how we can assist in protecting your property against damp and mould.


Maintenance: A Continuous Approach to Get Rid of Mould


Regular maintenance and vigilance are key in how to get rid of mould. Conducting periodic inspections, cleaning gutters, and monitoring indoor humidity levels can prevent mould from taking hold. Understanding that how to get rid of mould is an ongoing process will help keep your older property in top condition.




For owners of older UK properties, learning how to get rid of mould and damp is essential for the preservation of their homes and the health of their occupants. By implementing effective moisture management strategies, upgrading building insulation and ventilation, and considering professional exterior wall coatings, you can protect your property from the damaging effects of mould. Remember, how to get rid of mould is not just about addressing the symptoms, but also about tackling the underlying causes.


If you’re facing persistent mould issues and need expert advice on how to get rid of mould, All Weather Coating is here to help. Our expertise in exterior wall coatings and damp proofing solutions can provide the protection your older property needs. Contact us today to learn more about how to get rid of mould and ensure your home remains a healthy, enjoyable space.