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In a world where home design and aesthetics continuously evolve, staying current with trends can play a crucial role in your house painting decisions. As leading specialists in the application of exterior wall coatings and weatherproof coatings in the UK, we at All Weather Coating appreciate the transformative effect a fresh coat of paint can bring to your property’s appeal and value.

Every year, homeowners and designers introduce new themes, colours, and techniques that push the limits of creativity. Understanding these trends can guide your decisions, whether you’re planning a major home renovation or a simple refresh to keep your house in style.

2023 Wall Painting Trends A UK Homeowner's Guide

2023 Wall Painting Trends A UK Homeowner’s Guide

The purpose of keeping up with wall painting trends isn’t just to match the latest styles. It also involves understanding the innovative techniques and materials that can shield your home from the often harsh UK weather, prolonging the lifespan of your property and maintaining its quality over time.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top wall painting trends for 2023. We’ll explore the spectrum of colour choices to finishes shaping the UK’s exterior home design landscape this year. Furthermore, we’ll discuss the importance of choosing the right service to ensure a professional application, which can make all the difference to your wall painting project.

By staying informed, your home can become not just a personal statement, but a well-protected, inviting, and valuable property for years to come.

2023 Wall Painting Trends

Several new and interesting wall painting trends have emerged, capturing the imagination of homeowners and designers alike. These trends reflect a unique combination of creativity, individuality, and functionality. Let’s delve deeper into each of them.

Bold, Vibrant Colours

This year, exterior wall painting is all about making a bold statement. Homeowners are embracing vibrant colours that instantly draw the eye and create a striking visual impact. These audacious hues reflect individual personality and zest for life.

Textured Finishes

Another trend gaining traction in 2023 is textured finishes. Homeowners are exploring finishes that add depth and character to their homes’ exteriors. This can be achieved using specialised techniques and weatherproof coatings. which not only enhance visual appeal but also provide additional protection against weather-related wear and tear.

The Resurgence of Classic White

In the world of wall painting, trends come and go, but some classics never lose their appeal. One such classic making a strong comeback in 2023 is white. A fresh white exterior can create a clean, minimalist aesthetic, offering a blank canvas that highlights your home’s architectural features.

Two-Tone Exteriors

The two-tone exterior trend is yet another creative trend sweeping the UK. This technique involves painting the main body of the house in one colour, with a contrasting colour for the trim, fascias, and architectural details.

Natural Tones and Earthy Palettes

Embracing the calming influence of nature, another notable trend for 2023 is the rise of natural tones and earthy palettes in wall painting. From soft sandy tones that evoke the serenity of a beach, to deep forest greens that bring a sense of tranquillity, homeowners are opting for colours that help create a peaceful, welcoming ambience around their homes.

This trend is not just about the colours themselves, but also the feelings and experiences they represent. With natural tones and earthy palettes, you can bring a little slice of the great outdoors right to your doorstep, creating a home that harmonises beautifully with its surroundings and offers a soothing retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. 

And here at All Weather Coating, we’re adept at creating stunning finishes with these colours, delivering a result that’s not only stylish but also durable and weatherproof, standing up to the UK’s varied climate conditions.

Eco-conscious and Sustainable Practices

In 2023, one of the most significant trends extending beyond colour choices and finishes is the shift towards eco-conscious and sustainable practices in wall painting. Homeowners are not just considering the aesthetic outcome but also the process behind it. They’re choosing services that respect the environment, minimise waste, and use methods that are safe for the household and the surrounding ecosystem.

It’s not just about creating a visually appealing home anymore; it’s about doing so responsibly. This trend underlines the growing awareness and commitment towards environmental sustainability in the realm of home improvement. At All Weather Coating, we’re proud to adhere to eco-friendly practices in all our wall coating and weatherproofing services, making us the ideal choice for homeowners who care about the planet as much as their property’s aesthetics.

Factors to Consider Before Applying Trends to Your Own Wall Painting Project

While the latest wall painting trends provide ample inspiration for refreshing your home’s exterior, it’s essential to consider a few factors before jumping into a new painting project. 

Compatibility with Your Home’s Architecture and Surroundings

Each home has its unique architectural style and is situated in a specific environment. The colour and finish you choose should complement these elements.

Durability and Maintenance

Some colours and finishes may require more upkeep than others. Consider the maintenance demands of your chosen trend, and make sure it aligns with your lifestyle and willingness to maintain it.

Local Regulations

Certain areas might have restrictions or guidelines on house colours or finishes. It’s crucial to check with your local council or homeowners association before committing to a particular trend.

Longevity of the Trend

Trends come and go. If you prefer a style that remains timeless, opting for classic options might be a safer choice. 

Professional Application

Regardless of the trend you choose, it’s crucial to ensure it’s applied professionally. Opting for professional services offers numerous advantages over a DIY approach:

Quality and Efficiency: Professional wall coating services have the training, experience, and tools to deliver a high-quality finish in an efficient manner. This level of proficiency and expertise is hard to match with DIY efforts, especially if you’re new to wall painting.

Knowledge of Materials: Professionals understand the specific properties of different paints, finishes, and weatherproof coatings. They know which materials are best suited for your home’s exterior and the local climate, ensuring longevity and optimal performance.

Surface Preparation: Professionals are adept at preparing the surface for painting, a critical step that can significantly influence the outcome. This includes cleaning, repairing any damages, and applying the necessary primer or undercoats.

Safety: Painting a home’s exterior, especially multi-storey buildings, involves working at heights and handling heavy equipment. Professionals are trained in safe practices and have the necessary equipment to handle such tasks.

Time and Convenience: A professional service takes the burden off your shoulders. You don’t have to invest your weekends or free time to get the job done. The project can be completed more quickly, allowing you to enjoy your newly painted home sooner.

This is where we at All Weather Coating can help. We employ a team of highly skilled professionals to ensure your wall painting project is executed flawlessly and lasts for years to come. Trusting us with your project means you’re investing in peace of mind, knowing that every aspect, from surface preparation to the final brush stroke, is handled with expertise and attention to detail.


Keeping up with the latest wall painting trends can breathe new life into your home. Whether you’re drawn to bold colours, textured finishes, classic white, or two-tone exteriors, All Weather Coating has the expertise to bring your vision to life. Get in touch with us today to discuss your project and find out how we can help you transform your home’s exterior.